10 Factors that Affect Your Cannabis High

Experienced cannabis users already know that not every high is the same as the other, even when smoking the same strain. The same Indica strain that left you melted on the couch last week could make you peppy and energetic next week. The truth is that the strain and its potency indeed play a significant role in determining the type of high you’ll feel, but other factors can play a major part in shaping the high. The following list includes some of the most common and strong factors that affect your cannabis high!


Factor #1 Affecting Your High: Cannabis strain

jars with cannabis

While the same strain can produce different highs depending on the context, it’s still the best predictor of the type of high you’ll feel. We’ll leave out some of the more specific strains here and instead focus on the two major families: the Indica and Sativa strains and hybrids that try and mix the best of both worlds. Without going too far down the rabbit hole, Indica strains tend to create a heavier high that might leave you glued to the couch, while Sativa strains are known to be uplifting and inspiring your inner creativity. Hybrid strains try to mix between these two extremes, leading to many of today’s modern and most popular strains. The best way to plan your high is to read up on the different strains and choose according to the type of high you’re after. However, don’t forget to take the rest of this list into consideration because it can play a big role in how your high shapes out to be regardless of the strain.

Factor #2 Affecting Your High: Setting


This is a big one. The setting plays a major role in determining the type of high you’ll feel. The major factors that come into play are the physical and social setting. In terms of location, it makes a big difference if you’re indoors or outdoors. The specific way in which it will affect you is really up to you. If you’re comfortable with nature and big open spaces, getting high in this setting could make for a wonderfully exhilarating experience. Getting high indoors is a lot more comfortable, which also helps the high. The next big factor here is the social setting, or who you’re getting high with. Generally speaking, you and your partner-in-crime are going to affect each other’s high. Smoking with someone nervous and uptight? Expect it to reflect on your experience as well. Are you outgoing and energetic? That’s also going to affect his or her high as well. In the end, it’s all up to your personal preference. Each setting can lead to a very different high, directly reflecting how the set and setting make you feel personally.

Factor #3 Affecting Your High: Mode of Delivery

vaping pen

There’s more than one way to ingest cannabis, and each produces a different type of high. Whether you’re smoking, vaping or eating an edible, you can expect each high, including its onset time and intensity to differ. Each mode of delivery yields a different result because of the way your body interacts with the active ingredients in each scenario. For example, edibles take much longer to get you high, but they tend to produce longer and more intense highs. However, smoking or vaping produces shorter highs but gives you a lot more control over the quantity of cannabis you’re consuming.


Factor #4 Affecting Your High: Cannabinoids in Your Weed

cbd thc

There’s still a lot of science hasn’t uncovered about cannabis, but we do know that the quantity of two key cannabinoids (THC and CBD) is very important to the high profile. THC is the most famous cannabinoid by far and is largely the ingredient responsible for getting you high. However, CBD interacts with it in various ways that can alter your high, depending on the ratio between CBD and THC.

Factor #5 Affecting Your High: Your Mood

Unlike other substances, cannabis highs are very sensitive to the mood you’re in, leading to different types of highs. If you’re sad or in a sour mood, there’s a good chance your high will reflect that with either heavy or intense sensation, respectively.

different mood

Factor #6 Affecting Your High: Your Expectations

Since cannabis highs are so sensitive to things like the setting and your mood, it’s no surprise that your expectations also play a key role. Keep an open mind and let yourself enjoy the high as it comes. Carefully manage your expectations so that you don’t unintentionally create a self-fulfilling prophecy that can mess up your high.

Factor #7 Affecting Your High: Your Tolerance Level

Terpenes are compounds in the cannabis plant that give each strain its smell, taste, and flavor. As it turns out, people who are highly allergic or even sensitive to smells can experience all kinds of side effects as a result of terpenes, including rapid changes in your pulse, blood pressure and how tight your airways are.

Factor #8 Affecting Your High: Terpenes in Your Cannabis

cannabis bud leaf sliced lemon

Terpenes are compounds in the cannabis plant that give each strain its smell, taste, and flavor.
As it turns out, people who are highly allergic or even sensitive to smells can experience all kinds of side effects as a result of terpenes, including rapid changes in your pulse, blood pressure and how tight your airways are.

Factor #9 Affecting Your High: Your Age

A recent study has revealed quite surprising results when it comes to your age and the effects of cannabis. This is no surprise given the personal experiences many of us have heard and experienced ourselves over the years. According to the study, the younger you are, the easier it is for you to tolerate the high. In the meantime, adults tend to experience more anxiety and stress when getting high.

Factor #10 Affecting Your High: What You Eat

junk food

Food can play an interesting role in how your high feels. As it turns out, a recent study revealed that ingesting high-fat foods can increase the level of some cannabinoids, namely CBD, in the blood. Since the level of these cannabinoids in the blood should reflect your high, it can have a major effect on how your high feels.

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